Sunday, November 1, 2009

And Halloween just continued for me

Well it seems like a just couldn't stop after I got my groove on with those cards for my DH. I continued on with a ton more.... There were even ones that I did and then just didn't care for and then I remembered my Stickles and boom off I went. A couple of them even got made into Birthday cards because they were so dang cute and close to Halloween.

The first one is a 41/4x3 and I made it specially for one of my friends far away because Halloween is not really her thing, so I just slipped it into a Thinking of you card.

The next two photos were before and after Stickles. (who doesn't love Stickles?!)

Don't you just love those monsters! I do:) and I thought with the EEK that it made a really funny b-day card for my girlfriend. (at least I thought it was funny ;)

The last card here is for my cousin, his birthday is the day before Halloween and I did a little burnished velvet technique here.

So once I got all the cards I needed out of the way then there was the question.... What to do for treat bags? :) hmmm

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